Message from the Skies, Hogmanay Projections

Love Letter to Europe by Louise Welsh. Message from the Skies celebrated Scotland's connection to Europe through projected artworks displayed across Edinburgh’s iconic landmarks. At its heart were five "love letters" about Europe, written by prominent authors and brought to life in light. Bright Side Studios proudly collaborated on three of these artworks, including a large-scale storytelling projection on Techcube in Edinburgh.

This immersive experience was created in partnership with writer Louise Welsh and designer Emlyn Firth. Louise explored the linguistic ties that connect Scotland to Europe, while Emlyn, inspired by CAPTCHA tests, used the Opposit typeface to craft striking contrasts and accents, to create a rich visual narrative. We animated and projection-mapped this ambitious piece, blending art, culture, and technology into a captivating display. Produced as part of Edinburgh’s Hogmanay celebrations, in collaboration with the International Book Festival and UNESCO City of Literature, Message from the Skies was a celebration of creativity, connection, and storytelling.

Our Role
Video Production
Projection Mapping

Projection mapped poetry on Tech Cube for Edinburgh Hogmanay, part of Message From The Skies.

Projection mapping Europe’s linguistic diversity

Louise Welsh's poetic statement delved into our shared origins and cultures, exemplified by a series of words translated between Scots and European languages, showcasing the power of understanding amidst linguistic diversity. Read it in full here.

example of typography animated and projected onto techcube
Projection mapped poetry on Tech Cube for Edinburgh Hogmanay, part of Message From The Skies.
Projection mapped poetry on Tech Cube for Edinburgh Hogmanay, part of Message From The Skies.


Edinburgh’s Hogmanay, in partnership with the Edinburgh International Book Festival and Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature.

Louise Welsh

Graphic Design and Typography
Emlyn Firth

Bright Side Studios

Projection Mapping
Bright Side Studios